Gender Pay Gap
In 2021, our mean gender pay gap was 11.2%, meaning women at NNL are paid on average 11.2% less than men. This is a slight increase on previous years, attributed to some staffing changes in senior management.
We are confident that people working full-time at the same pay point level receive equal pay, so this number reflects the fact that at NNL we have higher percentages of women in less senior roles, compared to the percentages of women in more senior positions.
Comparing with the mean and median pay gap over the last five years, as shown below, the mean has fluctuated but the median pay gap has dropped noticeably this year. Comparing the data to last year, the mean hourly pay for both men and women has stayed roughly the same (within £0.10 for men and within £0.05 for women) whereas the median has decreased slightly for men (approximately £0.40) and increased slightly for women (approximately £0.20) causing the drop in median pay gap shown in the figure. This is attributed to new starters across the business.
Our median pay gap, has decreased to 14.4%

Whilst we are championing initiatives which we hope will sustainably improve the representation of women across the business, we understand it is likely to take several years before these initiatives consistently reduce our gender pay gap.