NNL Employees
In Financial Year (FY) 2021/22, the percentage of women in the NNL workforce rose to 30%.
The percentage of women has been gradually increasing since 2018, and moving closer to the Nuclear Sector Deal target of 40%, as seen in Figure 1. Whilst we are pleased to be making progress, the time taken to reach 40% women is determined by our recruitment and attrition rates and, as a result, is unlikely to continue indefinitely at a linear rate without continued efforts to expand our recruitment pool and limit our attrition.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)
The distribution of women is broken down in terms of those in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) areas of the business and those who are not (Figure 2). It can be seen that we have achieved roughly equal numbers of men and women (53%) in non-STEM roles. However the STEM workforce has a long way still to go at 24% women.
Executive Directors
The European Parliament has introduced new gender balance targets on company boards of 40% of the underrepresented sex amongst non-executive directors (NEDs) or 33% amongst all directors. At NNL, four of our 10 board members are women (40%), and two of six of our NEDs (33%) are women.
Length of Service
The number of years that staff have been employed with NNL was explored to determine whether there is a difference in retention for men and women, as can be seen in Figure 3.
Those employed by NNL for 15 years or greater were grouped together to represent the proportion of those who have been employed at NNL over the long term. It can be seen that a greater proportion of men are in this category but this is to be expected as, historically, the nuclear industry was dominated by men. Therefore it is to be expected that there have been more men who were recruited 15+ years ago who still remain in the workforce.
A greater percentage of women in the workforce are in their first few years of employment with NNL, in comparison to men. This is likely due to an increase in recent recruitment, and a company focus on improving diversity, leading to our business having a more welcoming feel.